This site is all about discovering the wealth of ideas around us.  If we but open our eyes, ears, hearts and thoughts to what we observe in our day-to-day lives, story ideas come flooding towards us like water over falls.  As any traveller will tell you, it is more about the journey to get to someplace than the destination itself.  So, off we go.   Subscribe to be sure to keep up with what we’re talking about and to bring up a topic of your choice.  I welcome all fellow writers to guest blog here.  Just let me know of your interest in doing so.

5 responses »

  1. Hello Karen,

    I work for , a site focused on being a resource for current and prospective nurses. Through our own exhaustive research and for the benefit of our readers, we’re developing a list of acclaimed and notable books for nurses and nursing students entitled Top 50 Must-Read Books for Nurses in 2012.

    We are pleased to inform you that we have nominated Hey Nurse! Stories from the Other Side of the Bedpan for inclusion on our list!

    Should your book be included on the final list, we’ll provide you with a badge for you to display on your website.

    Once the list is published, we’ll be reaching out to nursing students and professionals, to ensure maximum recognition for the books and authors included. If you have anyone else in mind that you’d wish to nominate for inclusion, please let us know. We’re still in the information-gathering phase.

    Thank You,

  2. From WB/CallumC.
    Interesting blog with wide potential readership. If you care to visit my blog: should you find anything of interest, I would be more than happy to contribute. Just let me know. I am fairly well known on WB as the winner if the 2009 WB vote for best novel. “Right Hand Up To God.’ My kids/ya novel ‘Princess Sheeba’ came second in the same voting cycle. WB in their questionable wisdom chose not to publish either. Both have since been self published.

    Yours, MJC – CallumC

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